Shampoo Bars v Liquid Shampoo
So we did a poll on our Instagram page to see what folks prefer, liquid shampoo or shampoo bars. An interesting thing happened. Of the...

Not all Shea Butters are Created Equal
Let's talk Shea Butter for a moment. It's one of our favourite ingredients for a whole host of skin and hair loving reasons, You'll find...

One of the Biggest Ocean Polluters is...
When we all think about ocean polluters, we all think about plastic bags, cans, or plastic bottles. We all see those images our heads of...

Design a Stunning Blog
When it comes to design, the Wix blog has everything you need to create beautiful posts that will grab your reader's attention. Check out...

Grow Your Blog Community
With Wix Blog, you’re not only sharing your voice with the world, you can also grow an active online community. That’s why the Wix blog...

Face Oils, What's the Big Deal?
The Ancient Egyptian's Knew Their Stuff The thought of using face oils for flawless skin may seem counterintuitive, but you'd be...

Be Prepared to Have Your Mind Blown
So today is Earth Day. What does Earth Day mean and why should we only have one day devoted to our beloved planet? Well, truth is every...

Do It If You Want Healthy Hair
No matter what kind of hair your sporting - long, short, straight, curly, dyed or natural, you need to know how to keep hair looking and...

Oil for Scalp Health
Dry, irritated, flakey scalp? Yes, we hear you! And the answer may just surprise you; oil, yes oil. Oils have a wealth of benefits when...

Dog Day Afternoons
So, anyone who knows us here at Nirvana knows we're HUGE on advocating Adopting, Not Shopping. So naturally our love for our furry...